Hand Washing Hygiene

With the constant outbreak of Cholera in Nigeria, there is a need to sensitive school children as well as provide them with the knowledge of the hand washing Hygiene and its benefits.
This awareness would be carried out in Primary schools.
We are calling on corporate bodies and individuals to support this campaign.


Image by Iconfinder

Train our boys to be great men…changing the narrative of our society

The society focuses more on training and empowering the girl child, leaving the boy child out. For example, the society would teach the girls to say “NO” to premarital sex, but fail to teach the boys to respect a girl’s “NO”. We the Dignified Women of Substance, tend to change the narrative by teaching mothers to train up the boys to be good home makers, protectors of the female and to see girls as mates rather than as subordinates.


Image by Mirror

Menstrual Hygiene in Teenagers

Menstrual periods are still considered a taboo in some areas in Africa and some parts of the world. Today, so many parents are busy working tirelessly to improve their finances, that they are unaware of the changes in the lives of their daughters. Some girls hardly ever have a verbal communication with their parents and would rather save themselves from the emotional consequences of discussing their menstrual periods with their parents. This in most cases leaves the girl child with no other option than to go ahead and help herself with any available knowledge on caring for her body in such periods. Some others are financially incapable of buying pads or tampons and would readily use pieces of clothes to gather the blood flow. Most times these girls are exposed to greater risks of infection.
Dignified Women of Substance hope to provide sanitary pads and menstrual hygiene education to girls in rural areas starting from the West. We hope to work with Sanitary Pads producing companies, corporate bodies and individuals to reach out to girls across Nigeria and Africa.

Image by: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Post Partum Depression seminar

So many women are victims of PPD and only about 10% women actually knows that what they undergo after pregnancy is related to or triggered by PPD.
Women need to know that they are not alone in their experiences and that there is a medical condition responsible for that as well as an available treatment.

We hope to take this Seminar far and near by working with appropriate medical and psychological bodies. Please contact us if you want to impact lives with your knowledge and resources.


Image by Huffpost

Am I ready for sex?

Children, especially teenagers are constantly aware of the changes that occur in their bodies, minds and moods. This change is synonymous with puberty, hormone triggered moods, as well as the influence of peers, society, the social media, and the internet.

As parents, we need to equip the children with the right knowledge of their bodies , their thoughts, and what they feel, while outlining the consequences of early sexual exploitation.


Image by teenhealthsource

Campaign Against Child Sexual Abuse

In most cases , children are the targets of sexual predators. This is so, because of the innocence, vulnerability and physical weakness of children. This is why there is a constant need for these children and their caregivers, guardians, parents and teachers to be informed, enlightened, sensitized, alerted and warned on the issue of sexual abuse against children.
This campaign is a major interest for the Dignified Women of Substance. We spent the major part of 2019 championing this particular subject matter.

Image by Pragativadi